Development of ShengBTE and is hosted on Bitbucket. You can visit either project´s site at:
We use Git as our version control system. At each project's site you can browse and download the code directly or find instructions to clone the Git repository.
Each release in the "master" branch of a project corresponds to a stable version. The "development" branch may contain features not considered mature enough for release.
All kinds of contributions are welcome. If you have a bug report, a feature request or a suggestion, you can contact the developers from the Bitbucket pages. If you implement an improvement to ShengBTE, we will be happy to consider it for inclusion in the main trunk. Of course, we will give you full credit for your contribution. Just use the fork + pull request system in Bitbucket to let us know.
If you need help getting started with Git, Pro Git by Scott Chacon is an excellent reference.